How Heating Happens in Prefabricated Houses

How Heating Happens in Prefabricated Houses

Prefabricated houses, which have become very popular today, are structures that are produced in a very practical and fast way compared to reinforced concrete buildings. However, people who want to own a prefabricated house may have some questions in their minds. At this point, the question of how to heat prefabricated houses is among the most curious questions. So how do prefabricated houses heat up? Are prefabricated houses suitable for all seasons? Here are the answers to your questions…

How Do Prefabricated Houses Get Heated?

In order to answer the question of how prefabricated houses are heated, it is necessary to talk about the insulation properties and heating methods of prefabricated buildings. Prefabricated structures are produced from materials that provide high thermal insulation. In this way, we come across as structures suitable for all four seasons. Prefabricated houses among prefabricated buildings; With their insulation performance, they are the structures preferred in all climatic regions, hot or cold. However, the interior and exterior wall structures of prefabricated houses must be produced according to different weather conditions.

Galvanized, especially used in the manufacture of prefabricated houses, is often preferred because it protects the structure against harsh conditions. When we look at other materials that come to the fore in thermal insulation, rockwool and glasswool are among the very effective materials. Heating of prefabricated buildings is much easier with rockwool and glasswool. Prefabricated houses used in cold regions require a thicker wall structure compared to warm climate regions. However, in both cases, it is important that the insulation is of high quality. For this very reason, the personal wishes of the customer should also be taken into account in the construction of the prefabricated house model. In order to have more detailed information about insulation in prefabricated buildings, What is Indispensable Insulation for Buildings? What are the types? You can read my article.

What are the Heating Methods in Prefabricated Houses?

We stated that prefabricated houses are suitable for use in summer and winter. Especially the quality of the materials used in insulation has an effect that facilitates the heating process in prefabricated houses. So what are the heating methods in prefabricated houses? In fact, heating in prefabricated houses is carried out in many different ways. This may depend on the availability of natural gas in the region, as well as the use of electricity. In addition, the climate structure of the region where the prefabricated house will be built is also very effective for the heating method. So what are the heating methods in prefabricated houses?

1. Natural Gas

In prefabricated houses, as in reinforced concrete structures, heating with natural gas can be used. Natural gas is one of the most preferred heating methods in places with infrastructure. You can choose a floor heater or a combi boiler to benefit from natural gas, which makes human life easier with its practical use. In fact, there are many valid reasons to benefit from the method of heating with natural gas in prefabricated houses. Such that natural gas;

● has an easy to use,

● does not require fuel storage space,

● offers hot water,

● provides quick warm-up.

On the other hand, we would like to point out that natural gas is not a renewable energy source and will expire one day.

2. Solar Energy

Solar energy, which is among the renewable energy sources, is another preferred heating method in prefabricated houses. Moreover, it does not cause the release of clean and harmful substances to the environment. In this way, it contributes to the understanding of sustainable architecture. So why is solar energy preferred in prefabricated buildings?

● It is a clean energy source.

● It does not emit greenhouse gases.

● It is an abundant and inexhaustible source of energy.

● Reduces electricity bills.

We talked about the advantages of solar energy. Solar panels are placed on the roof of the prefabricated house to benefit from the energy of the sun. Thus, solar panels create a heating system by converting sunlight into electricity instead of heat. However, it should be noted that the use of solar energy is more suitable for hot regions.


The heating method with the stove is one of the preferred heating systems in prefabricated buildings. However, the heating system with the stove has some disadvantages. First of all, there will be a need for an area to store wood or coal. It should also be noted that the stove will cause a bad smell and a dirty environment. In addition, it would not be wrong to say that the stove will not be suitable for a large prefabricated house. Because the stove will only heat the environment efficiently.

4. Electric Stove

Unlike conventional stoves, electric stoves do not need any fuel storage space. On the other hand, it can cause too much electricity consumption and high bills. However, it is still a cleaner and more practical heating method than wood and coal-fired stoves. Moreover, electric stoves, which can be moved to the desired area with their portable structure, allow freedom of use.

5. Air Conditioning

The use of air conditioners in prefabricated houses is quite common. Although the cooling effect is known, the air conditioner also has a warming effect. But the air conditioner, like a stove, only heats the area it is in. This situation may cause other rooms in prefabricated buildings not to be sufficiently heated. Therefore, air conditioning is a suitable method for a small square meter prefabricated house. It should also be noted that the air conditioner also works with electricity and can cause high bills. On the other hand, it is much easier to use compared to other heating methods. Now you know how prefabricated houses are heated. In order for the prefabricated house in question to be heated in the best way possible, the insulation must be of good quality. If a strong insulation is provided, prefabricated houses can be heated extremely easily. In addition, the region where the structure will be installed should also be taken into account in terms of how prefabricated houses are heated. Then, the most suitable heating method for the weather conditions of that region is preferred. Thus, you will not face any heating problem in prefabricated houses. However, it is very important to work with a prefabricated building company that cares about quality for a prefabricated house. At this point, you can have prefabricated house models with the qualities you are looking for with Enhar Prefabrik, one of the pioneers of the prefabricated building sector. You can also contact us for any questions you may have about prefabricated houses.


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